It's Never too Late for a Fresh Start. You Can Be in the Best Shape
of Your Life!
"We Inspire and Encourage Women to Live Healthy Lives Filled with Energy and Abundant Joy!"
Energy Girls®
Weight Loss Challenge
The Battle is Over!
The Battle is Over! Is food an issue in your life? Register today for the NEW Energy Girls 30 Day JOYFUL Weight Loss Challenge. Learn how to lose weight permanently. We will help you reach your weight loss goals, or maintain your current weight, and teach you how to keep the weight off forever!
It's time for a new beginning and a fresh start. Have you struggled with the issue of weight and food for far too long? We have the answer! Register today for our JOYFUL Weight Loss Challenge and say good bye to your struggle with diets, weight, and your battle with food, once and for all!
Our mission is simple, "to Inspire and Encourage Women to Live Healthy Lives, Filled with Energy and Abundant Joy!" Almost every woman we know struggles with the issue of food, and her weight. It's draining you of energy and a sense of well-being that can be yours every day. You can count on our weight loss program being high-energy, fun, and life changing!
Be in the best shape of your life. Reach your weight loss goals!
The Energy Girls 30 Day JOYFUL Weight Loss Challenge includes:
The best support from very compassionate, understanding women. ​
Structure to give you the Weight Loss "how-to's" and the freedom to personalize our program, so it works for you!
A totally judgment-free zone.
Simple, healthy Weight Loss designed for women that works.​
Girlfriends who get it, who understand. ​
A support counseling hot-line for food craving emergencies.
Weekly Live Meetings. Online Conferences, Plus One-on-One Coaching. ​
The knowledge the Energy Girls Team is behind you, you're not alone!​
Health Professionals, Fitness Experts, Registered Dietician.
Beautiful training notebook binder, to guide you through our program step-by-step. Learn how to live a healthy life!
A money back guarantee.
​Register NOW only $399 - Register TODAY!
If you have any trouble registering,
or if you have any questions, we're here to help!

Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals and Learn How to Keep the Weight Off Forever!
No More Diets!

We are so excited to help you reach your weight loss goals. We know food has been an issue for you, and almost every woman we know. We can work together to change that. Wouldn't it be great to feel FREE around food? You can learn to live a healthy lifestyle, lose weight, and get a fresh start. It all starts with a decision. Your decision to join us. Register today, and contact me if you have any questions. I would be so happy to speak to you.
Wishing you abundant joy!
​ 704-577-5769
What is the Energy Girls 30 Day JOYFUL Weight Loss Challenge?
It's a plan you can live with! It's a simple, easy weight loss plan based on 5 easy steps:
Energy Girls Lifestyle
Energy Girls Food
Energy Girls Fitness
Energy Girls Personalize (makin' it real for you!)
Energy Girls Support
The Energy Girls 5 step plan will help you live a healthier life. Do you want to lose weight and learn how to keep it off forever? Even more importantly do you want to live a truly healthy lifestyle? We want you to experience more energy and joy, and restore a sense of well-being to your life every day. You can do it! Can losing weight really be fun? The answer with the Energy Girls is, YES!
What If I'm On Another Weight Loss Program?
Our healthy lifestyle plan is easy and simple, and since you can personalize it, you can make it work with any other program you are currently on. It's based on healthy lifestyle principles that work for a lifetime.
Can I Come to Your Program if I'm at my Ideal Weight?
Absolutely! You will be inspired, encouraged and supported to live a healthier lifestyle. Have fun with us, as we learn to live a healthier lifestyle together, and learn how to maintain your ideal weight.
What Makes Your Program Different?
We are absolutely passionate about helping you be a success. We love to give personal attention. This is a program by women, for women. We will give you happy, postive, joyful support! We want to encourage you and inspire you every step of the way. We get it. We understand.

Why is This a Good Time for Me to Register?
There's never a time like NOW to jump in and make the changes you need to live a healthier life. Don't put it off any longer! Don't have regrets with "could have" and "should have." Get in great shape now! REGISTER TODAY!